Friday, August 7, 2009

I Am Proud To Be A Singaporean

Poem: I am proud to be a Singaporean

I am proud to be a Singaporean because...

it is the safest and most secure place to live in.

Everywhere is clean and green, a great place to live in.

Many famous and delicious foods like "Hai Nan" Chicken Rice, Satay, "Butku Teh", Chilli Crabs that are so hard to miss...

With a strong and clean government that oversees things.

A good order, education, transportation system and multi-racial create within.

All make me extremely proud of being part of it, wherever I be, I be...

Every 9th August, it is Singapore Special day, its birthday and our National Day (NDP)! It is just two more days to the grand NDP performances. The aerial airshow and dazzling fireworks are what I am looking forward to it.

On national day, my family and I usually celebrate by watching the NDP on television at home or at grandparents' place. Of all the performances, I like the air show and fireworks most when the patterns transformed by the crafts and fireworks. They are so amazing!

I am very proud to be a Singaporean because it is safe and secure. We have a strong and clean government that creates a condusive environment for all citizens to live, learn and play in. And building a strong arm forces to protect our country.

Another thing that makes me proud to be a Singaporean is that our Changi airport is one of the top terminal, one of the best in the world. It means more and more people get to know us, the small but successful red dot!

Being a Singaporean might not be easy at times. In a multi-racial society, we have to be sensitive and respect people of different religons, cultures and languages in order to live in harmony. On the other hand, we get to learn and speak multiple languages, enjoy different festivals and different foods too.

I love Singapore and wishing you the HAPPIEST 44th BIRTHDAY with abundance prosperity!

Thursday, July 30, 2009


I am not a regular computer user. I only use my computer for blogging, searching information, gaming and school works at home on weekends. Sometimes, I chat with my friends and cousins via MSN.

So far, I had not come across any inappropriate contents. If I did, I would leave the site immediately and would not provide details of my name or contact on the net. I could also check and consult with my teachers and parents if I feel uncomfortable about the contents too.

Cyberwellness lesson is an interesting and important as it creates awareness on how to be a safe, responsible and respectful users. I learn how to differentiate and handle inappropriate or dangerous contents and copyright issues. Lastly, Not to be a Cyber addictor by setting a limit and striving a balance between play and work.

I enjoy the comics and Q&A section most.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Racial Harmony Day

On 21st of July, Tuesday, our school celebrated Racial Harmony Day. This year theme is "Who Is Your Neighbour."

We watched a video of four ethnics weddings in class. I like the Eurasian wedding the most because the bride's and the bridegroom's gown and suit were very gorgeous and smart.

After that, we also watched another video on Rojak making. We also got a chance to make our own rojak. We were divided into group of foursome and following the steps of making the rojak closely. It was so interesting and fun but also dirty. Once it was done, we ate our final product. Although it was messy and slightly dried, we should add more prawn paste to it. But, it was delicious and we finished all of it. Thanks to our team's efforts!

During recess, I tried chicken satay. It was also very yummy right! There were many other food available too. Such as ice balls, "kebah" meaty wrap? and many others. I did not try them.

I have and know many neighbours at different levels and of different races at my flat. (The Malays, Indians and Chinese). I would greet the aunties and uncles whenever I meet them and help to hold the lift for them at the lobby. Sometimes, their children come over to my house or I would visit theirs to play with them.

Last but not least, I think racial harmony is a day where all the people in Singapore get to learn more about ones' foods, respect ones' customs and cultures in order to live in harmony.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back At School

Thanks to MOH's constant and commendable efforts about the H1N1 flu which keep public inform and educate all with many useful infomation and its progress. There are so much posters, news, advertisments from the television, radio and internet resources advising what we should do, where we should go and how we should prevent the virus from spreading within our community.
Joyfully, I could return to school on scheldue. I do not think extending the school holiday is a good idea because it would mean the pandemic would turn serious and deadly. That would also mean no outdoors activities but to stay at home only. It can be extremely bored and monotonous. That's bad...

Good thing there is nobody whom I know and around me is affected by the virus so far.

My family and I constantly remind ourselves to practise personal cleanliness at all times by avoiding crowded places, eating right and staying on to the latest news reporting about the pandemic.

Monday, May 25, 2009


I am glad that SA1 is finally over and June holidays are on the way...

This year SA1, the most difficult paper for me is Maths and the easiest being Science. I am delighted with my marks although I did not meet all my targets set in the beginning of the year.
For me to achieve good results, I have to thank you, Mrs Shanmugam and others subject teachers for the guidances and helps as well as my parents' supports. I will continue to work consistently, seriously and diligently in all my subjects. It is really about work hard and work hard..."No pain no gain."

For the remedial and enrichment classes, I think they may be more useful for students whom need additional helps on some subjects, but it may become too stressful for students who do not need them. More classes mean more time and more tasks.

I would be more careful and continue to try my best to maintain and hit all my subjects' targets by the end of this year.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Swine Flu

It is a respiratory disease that occcurs regularly in pigs which has not normally infected by people. It is caused by the Influenza A (H1N1)virus; another strain causes flu in humans.

The first case of Swine flu was detected from a four-year old boy from the town of Perote in Mexico.

It can be spread from human to human through coughing or sneezing, or touching something with flu viruses on it and then touching the mouth or nose. No scientific evidence virus transmitted by pork consumption.

We can wash our hands with soap and water regularly, stay away from people who are sick and do not touch contaminated surfaces or go to crowded places and school if we are ill. All should be considerate by covering ones' mouth and nose when cough or sneeze in public.

I will feel very sad because we cannot go out and play. If school shut down then our exams/holidays will be affected. In the worst case, our exams will be delayed and might burn our June holidays too... During the June holiday, we also cannot go overseas since virus is spreading speedily around the world and getting nearer to us now, one case is identified in Hong Kong.

The good news is, Singapore so far is still safe and currently our alert level is ORANGE. Our government has addressed the emerging health problems and contingency plans have already been activated to combat the influenza A to safeguard our nation.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Kindness is to be nice to people through our simple gestures, words and actions. For example, smile, greet, says "please", "excuse me", "hello" or "thank you"; give helps to people whenever we can.

Kindness is importance. If we are kind to people, they will think, feel and do the same to us. This way, our community will be gracious and great place to live in.
We can show kindness by saying "hello, please or thank you"; giving up our seats in the bus or train to young or old and to hold the lift door for others. Always smile and be considerate!

One day, I was playing catching at the school hall with my friends. While I was running, a boy at the corner of the hall fell down. I rushed to the boy and helped him up. He thanked me . I felt so happy that I have done a good deed.

In the school, I would help my friends if they have problem in their works and help my teachers when they need help, such as carry books. At home, I would help my parents in house chores, such as washing dishes after meal, tidy the bed and carrying things after marketing. In the community, I would greet my neighbours by a smile or hello and hold the lift doors when I meet them in the lift lobby.

I can start first by smiling or greeting my friends, giving helps to my friends when they are in need so that my friends or others can feel it and do the same way too. It takes two to clap!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Everyday Is Earth Day

1. Is Earth Day important to you? Why?

I think earth day is important because it is a day to remind people to save the earth. It is also raising the concerns of the earth is facing such as, water and air pollution, global warming and deforestation. Therefore, we have to take care and save our only planet that we live in before it is too late.

2. What do you understand by the phrase "save the Earth"?
To me, saving the earth needs a lot more efforts and actions than saying it. It is the right mindset and actions that anyone have to do in anywhere and anytime to help saving the earth. Action speaks louder than words.

3. Why do you think it is important to recycle, reuse and reduce?
I think it is important to recycle, reuse and reduce because if we do not do that, the earth will have lots of rubbish. We can recycle and reuse our old/used things like toys, textbooks and shirts by donating them. This way we could reduce wastes.

4. What can you do to save the Earth?

I can use recycle paper for my workings, learning spelling, drafting, notes taking and use up both sides of a paper. This is to save the more trees. I could bring my own plastic bags to the supermarket; give away the empty cans and newspapers to the recycle centres. Lastly, I should not waste by buying less or what I need. Less buying means less wastes and throwings. I will buy or replace when my things they are spoiled and finished.

5. Can you suggest an activity which you and your family will do for "Earth Day?"

I would suggest growing more plants around our surroundings. Plants take in the carbon dioxide from our environment and produce oxygen for us. We spring clean our house and sort out all the old clothings; toys; books and materials which are still in working conditions to donate them to charity or voluntary organisations for reselling, recycling and redistributing to under previleage families. Earth day is from young, home and everyday!

Monday, April 13, 2009

International Friendship Day

What was the theme for International Friendship Day this year?

Ans: Sorry I could not remember its theme. All I could remember was a lady from Java, shared about her country Indonesia and some musical performances on stage that day.

Do you think that it is important to have friends from other countries?

Ans: Yes, by having friends from other countries I can learn their cultures, languages, taste their foods and so much more. It is important to know and respect other cultures. Maybe I could visit, study or work in other countries in future. So, it is better to have more friends around the world.

Why?In what way do you think that this is important to a country?

Ans: Yes. People today work and study all over the world, so it is important to have many friends wherever we go. We can learn from one another cultures and skills.

Do you know of anyone from other countries in your class or school?

Ans: Yes, Callum, a Canadian and Chin Chien, a Thai of my class. I also have some distance relatives and friends whom are from Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, America and China too. My grandma's maid is also from Indonesia.

How much do you know about them or their countries?

Ans: I learn from Callum that Canada and Singapore time difference is 24 hours and it is very cold and snowy. I know some of the different currency used by different countries. In Malaysia is known as "Ringgit"; Taiwan=NT; Korean ="Won"; Japan use"Yen", USA= US$, China =" Yuan". I learn some simple Korean language "nae means No" "aniyongsaeyo means hello". I love Japanese Yeast cold noodles, "Chasoba".

When you get to know someone from another country, what would you like to know or find out from that person?

Ans: I would like to find out the places of interests in their countries. I would like to go snowy places like Korea, USA, Japan and China.

Friday, April 10, 2009




当一个学生,我可以把用过的东西再环保。如汽水罐, 纸张,纸袋,布类 和 用品。这样地球就不会有这么多垃圾了!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Earth Day - 22nd April

Earth Day is on 22 April and there will be many who would get together and do something for the environment.

We have been focusing on the Dark Green mindset for too long and it’s time to embrace the Bright Green mindset. Our mindsets shape our actions and it is important to adopt the right mindset. There’s nothing wrong with both mindsets except that Dark Green tends to inspire fear and denial while Bright Green tends to inspire creativity and action.

Dark Green

It’s about sacrifice and the horror stories.
Use less and buy less.
Switch off the lights and use less energy
Save the whales.
Save the polar bears, the polar bears are dying.
Don’t do this, don’t do that.
It’s about pessimism and negative mindsets.
It’s about “I have a nightmare”.

Bright Green
It’s about solutions and innovations.
Think possibilities and green technologies.
It’s about creating jobs and improving lives.
Better quality lives and environment for all.
Embrace green businesses and clean energy.
Achieve energy and water independence.
It’s about optimism and positive mindsets.
It’s about “I have a dream”.
The time has come to focus on Bright Green and let’s work together towards a bright green future.

Interesting Facts About Giraffes

A Giraffe munching its favourite meal "Acacia Leaves".

The tallest mammal in the world is the giraffe. Giraffes belong to the family Giraffidae, which has only one other species, the okapi. (head of Giraffe and body of Zebra including its legs). Giraffes live in both open savanna areas and wooded grasslands.The average lifespan of a giraffe in the wild is about 25 years.

Male giraffes are called bulls. Females are known as cows and baby giraffes are known as calves.

Giraffes have excellent vision and are able to perceive colour.

Giraffes have black tongues that can extend approximately 20 inches. Their tongues are prehensile which means that it can grab and hold onto objects.

A giraffe is able to clean its ears with its own tongue. Giraffes have elongated vertebrae in their necks that protrude at the top of the giraffe's head forming small blunt horns.

At one time it was believed that giraffes were mute but they do make sounds. A form of communication used by giraffes is called infrasound and cannot be heard by humans. Giraffes do grunt, snort and bellow.

Each giraffe has unique markings that distinguish it from others. No two giraffes have exactly the same makings. The colour of a giraffe's coat tends to become darker with age.

Giraffes have one of the highest blood pressures of all animals, due to their height and the large size of their heart. A giraffe heart can pump 16 gallons of blood in one minute! A giraffe has just 2 gaits, walking and galloping. The hooves of an adult giraffe are about 12 inches wide.

A male giraffe can tell if a female (picture on the right) is fertile by tasting her urine. Male giraffes perform a type of dance to impress fertile females. A female giraffe gives birth to a single offspring after a gestation period of approximately 15 months. Females give birth by standing up.
A giraffe's neck can measure up to 5 feet in length.
A giraffe feeds primarily on acacia leaves. Giraffes can go for weeks without drinking water but even so they still usually seek water every few days. Giraffes derive much of their water from the plants they eat. A giraffe can run at a speed of 35 miles per hour. They have also been known to jump up to 6 feet.
Male giraffes stand up to 18 feet tall and weigh up to 4,000 pounds. Females grow up to 16 feet tall and weigh approximately 2,500 pounds.Giraffes need very little sleep and may only sleep between 20 minutes to two hours out of a twenty-four hour period.

Thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the Europeans once called the animal a "camelopard."

...and more about Baby Giraffes...

A baby giraffe is called a calf. It stays in its mother's worm for around 14-15 months. It is borned by dropping from six feet height.
A baby giraffe is about six feet tall and weighs about 110~150 pounds at birth. It can stand up and suckle on its mother's milk within an hour after birth. It can grow an inch tall each day.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Friday, Field Trip to Farms

Finally, last Friday was the first school field trip to three farms. I could not wait to go snap... snap... Let me recall what I have learnt and seen at sites...

First Stop : Hay Dairy Farm
When I reached the goat farm, Mr John Hay, owner of the goat farm told us about the goat in his farm. I learnt that there are about 440 millions of goat worldwidely but not all goats can give milk. Each goat can produce 4 litres of milk daily. Each goat has four stomachs and two nipples. The workers use machine like a vaccuum to pump the milk out from the goat's nipples and store the milk in cyclinder for sales. Before selling and packaging the milk, it has to be pasteurized. Pasteurisation is a process to heat up the milk between 62 to 65 degrees celesius for half hour and immediately cool it to 4 degrees celesius. This way it will keep the milk fresh for 3 to 10 days. Thanks to Louis Pasteur, the French Chemist.

Second Stop: Agrotechnology Farm
When we arrived at the vegetables farm,we watched a short video first. Next, we were guided by the guide around the farm. I saw vegetables growing in soil and water.

I learnt that Agrotechnology is a new way of growing vegetables by using water chemicals. This way it helps the crops to grow 50% faster than the usual way of growing it in soil. Nutrients in the vegetables will be the same as those growing by soil.

First the seedlings are spread onto the cotton pads and soaked in the water with chemical for some hours. The water used will be recycled too!

At the end of the trip, the guide gave us a salad treats and drinks. I got to try the lettuce with thousand island sauce. It was delicious and yummy....

Final Stop: Qian Hu Fish Farm

Quite a disappointment in this farm. First was the long wait before the guide came to bring us around. I saw different types of fishes and sea creatures, turtles, lobster and even sting ray. I learnt some new fish names.

Lobster Turtles Dragon Fish

The best part of this farm was everyone got a fish for free. I guess is to make up for all the waiting! Other than that it was the most boring of all the farms.

Another bad news was my fish became ants' meal next morning. Why? It commited sucide by jumping out of the container and landed on the table in the middle of the night. By the time I noticed it this morning, it was covered with disappointing... I have to throw it away. Too bad, forgot to take a picture of it!

Lastly,I have learnt a great deal and some new facts about goats and Agrotechnology farming. The fish farm was the worst of all three. I enjoy this learning journey because it is more fun and interesting to learn. I can see, hear, feel, taste and take pictures of the real things at the sites with my camera. Hopefully, there are more trips ahead this year to places like zoo, bird parks, bird watching, treetops, fishing and nature walks or reservoirs.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Earth Hour

How many countries took part in this event?
There were about 4,000 cities and towns in 88 countries joined the event sponsored by the World Wildlife.

What is the event about?
It is to raise awareness to fight climate change by saving energy on earth and save our planet.

Did you and your family participate in this event? Why?
Yes, we did. This is one way to save and show our love to our only earth.

What did you do?
I waited excitedly for the time to arrive. I switched off all the lights in my house at 8:30pm sharp, on Saturday. Next, I used torchlight to move around the house. So fun! After awhile, my family went out for dinner. I looked around our neighbourhood to see how many households have done the same like us. Unfortunately, the void deck and corridor or streets lights were NOT switched off! But that night was the starriest night, I could see more stars than normal days when I looked up the dark sky.

What did many Singaporeans do?
Channel News Asia reported that 550 companies and 8,000 individuals have signed up for Earth Hour in Singapore. There are also 1,200 volunteers knocking on the doors of 30,000 households to share about Earth Hour and some energy—saving tips on Saturday.

A volunteer from ECO Singapore, Mr Loy S Y said that there is a growing support and more residents are actually supportive of (Earth Hour).

Thumbs Up Singaporeans!


Do you think it is an event that is worth observing? Give your reason/s
Tell me more of what you know.
This is an important and meaningful event because of the climate change, earth needs to be saved. It also encourages energy saving and go GREEN Singapore!

Friday, March 27, 2009

My Marvellous March holiday!!!

Please tell me how and what you did during your one week holiday. What was the most interesting thing you did?
I call my March holiday the Three "R's" week. It means Reading, Relaxing and Resting.

The first "R" is reading.
As I did not have much time to read when school reopen so I get to read during last holiday. I read at home, at the library and in bookshops at no time and books limit, so cool! I came across an interesting series called "Encyclopedia Brown."

The second "R" is relaxing.
I invited my friends and ex-classsmates to my place for play. We played lots of games like Monopoly, Badminton and many more! We went to Pizza Hut for lunch and the most interesting part was when we went to the sand playground to play. It was so much joy and laughters!

The last "R" is resting.
After playing for three days, it was time to rest. I slept late and woke up late. I ate alot too. It was also time for me to settle down and get ready for Term 2.
I had the most Marvellous and Memorable March Holidays!

How did you spend your time beside doing your homework which was assigned to you?
That was easy, I finished all school homeworks before the holiday began so that I could enjoy the entire week completely.

What goal/s do you intend to achieve and how you're going to do it?
Now that I am back in school, I must work harder in my English, Maths and Chinese to do well in my SA1. I will do more Chinese and English writing practices . I must learn my mutiplication tables well too.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Track And Field Day

Were you there as a participant in the events or as a spectator?

Ans: Yes. I was a spectator.

If you were a participant, did you win any prizes?

Ans: I was not a participant and did not win any prizes. A few of the children from my house won prizes.

How did you feel if you did?

Ans: If I had won prizes, I will feel excited and over the moon.

As a spectator, did you have fun rolling the huge ball?

Ans:Yes. It was the only fun besides the screaming, the yelling, the cheering for nothing but voice breaking.

How did your house do on that day and how did you feel?
Ans: I think my house did quite well although we are not the champions. I felt very dissapointed because the runners always come in either second or third.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Class Test 1

1. What did you do to prepare for this test?
Ans: I read all of the files that the teachers gave me.I also do some assesment.
2. How did you feel on the first day of your test? Do you feel confident, nervous or unsure?
Ans: I felt confident.
3. How do you think you have done?
Ans: I think I have done well.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Assembly show- Indian music.

1 Who put you in this class - the school or your parents requested for it?
Ans: The school decides.
2. Do you like to be in a music class? Why?
Ans: I do not like to be in music class because I do not enjoy the hip-hop dancing lesson.
3. Are you involved in any music activities, e.g. a band member, an angklung member, a guzheng
member or do you play any instrument on your own?
Ans: I am not a member of any music activities but I play a violin.
4. If you are involved, do you enjoy doing all these? Why?
Ans: I choose to learn and play volin because it keeps me company when I am happy or down.
5. Now you're learning Hip Hop Dance. Do you enjoy yourself? What do you like about this special lesson?
Ans: I do not enjoy hip hop lesson because I find the move is too difficult and I am no dancer.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Total Defence Day

A loud wail of the air! It reminds me of danger! Run for your life and hide!!! War Oops!
Hope this will NEVER be heard cause it means return of war time.

I would suggest school to

a) provide sweet potatoes for students to taste the war time food.
b)organise learning journey to Total Defence Forces, we, pupils get to learn and have fun activities at real sites. YES! YES!
c)No School Day-set up booths around school for pupils to play and learn by visiting each booth. Yippy!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Target setting

I think I am reaching my goal. When I go home, I will try to find time to read some books and do some assesment.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy New Year

1. What did you do before the Chinese New Year?

Ans:My parents brought me to Ang Mo Kio Hub to shop for my new clothes, new shoes. We bought nice goodies at China Town.

2. What did you do on the 1st day of Chinese New Year?//The non- Chinese pupils can also tell me how you spent your time.

Ans:I visited my grandparent's house on the first day of Chinese new year. Afterwhich, I went to my relatives' places where I met and played with my cousins. I also had many scrumptious meals at different places.

3. What do you intend to do with all the 'hongbaos' received?
Ans: I intend to to buy some books with a portion of the total collections and save the balance in my bank.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

1. What are the school's vision, mission and values?


The school's mission is providing quality education to equip pupils with the values, knowledge and skills for the 21st Century.

Its vision is to build a School of Distinction Nurturing Future-Ready Citizens of Character.

And its PIE values are:-
  • Passion for Learning
  • Integrity our foundation
  • Excellence in everything we do

2. What do you think of the school's vision, mission and values?

Ans: I think that the vision,mission and values are long-term goals which need the students,teachers and parents to achieve. Therefore,it will require longer time to meet. I prefer short-term goals which I can achieve and review it faster.

3. Do you believe in the school values? If 'yes' or 'no', why?

Ans: No, I do not think that all the pupils know about it or work towards it.

4. Do students think of the school values when engaging in activities in school or outside? If so, how?

Ans: I do not think so.

5. How can you, as students, live up to the school values?

Ans: I will try my best in everything I do and never give up.

6. What activities do you think the teachers can organise in class and in school to help students learn the values?

Ans: The school and teachers may provide more fun and hands on lessons; inter class competitions; and team-building activities for students. Lastly, senior and junior learning exchange system. [The seniors guide and help the juniors in subject learning.]

Monday, January 12, 2009

My school blog

I have a school blog!