A Giraffe munching its favourite meal "Acacia Leaves".
The tallest mammal in the world is the giraffe. Giraffes belong to the family Giraffidae, which has only one other species, the
okapi. (
head of Giraffe and body of Zebra including its legs). Giraffes live in both open savanna areas and wooded grasslands.The average lifespan of a giraffe in the wild is about 25 years.
Male giraffes are called bulls. Females are known as cows and baby giraffes are known as calves.
Giraffes have excellent vision and are able to perceive colour.
Giraffes have black tongues that can extend approximately 20 inches. Their tongues are prehensile which means that it can grab and hold onto objects.
A giraffe is able to clean its ears with its own tongue. Giraffes have elongated vertebrae in their necks that protrude at the top of the giraffe's head forming small blunt horns.
At one time it was believed that giraffes were mute but they do make sounds. A form of communication used by giraffes is called infrasound and cannot be heard by humans. Giraffes do grunt, snort and bellow.
Each giraffe has unique markings that distinguish it from others. No two giraffes have exactly the same makings. The colour of a giraffe's coat tends to become darker with age.
Giraffes have one of the highest blood pressures of all animals, due to their height and the large size of their heart. A giraffe heart can pump 16 gallons of blood in one minute! A giraffe has just 2 gaits, walking and galloping. The hooves of an adult giraffe are about 12 inches wide.
A male giraffe can tell if a female (picture on the right) is fertile by tasting her urine. Male giraffes perform a type of dance to impress fertile females. A female giraffe gives birth to a single offspring after a gestation period of approximately 15 months. Females give birth by standing up.
A giraffe's neck can measure up to 5 feet in length.
A giraffe feeds primarily on acacia leaves. Giraffes can go for weeks without drinking water but even so they still usually seek water every few days. Giraffes derive much of their water from the plants they eat. A giraffe can run at a speed of 35 miles per hour. They have also been known to jump up to 6 feet.
Male giraffes stand up to 18 feet tall and weigh up to 4,000 pounds. Females grow up to 16 feet tall and weigh approximately 2,500 pounds.Giraffes need very little
sleep and may only
sleep between 20 minutes to two hours out of a twenty-four hour period.
Thinking that its parents were a camel and a leopard, the Europeans once called the animal a "camelopard."
...and more about Baby Giraffes...
A baby giraffe is called a calf. It stays in its mother's worm for around 14-15 months. It is borned by dropping from six feet height.
A baby giraffe is about six feet tall and weighs about 110~150 pounds at birth. It can stand up and suckle on its mother's milk within an hour after birth. It can grow an inch tall each day.